Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hummingbird nest being refurbished

A hummingbird hen has been working on updating the furnishings of last year's hummingbird nest. The nest was in such a protected spot that it suffered little wear and tear during the winter winds and rains (thus far). A hummingbird has been sprucing up the place, adding pieces of spider silk, and other materials, to the exterior and interior. Soon, I suspect she'll be sitting on eggs, though it isn't even February. I did witness various hummingbird mating activities in the past month or so. The male soaring way up high and other macho acts.

Last year's hummingbird event was so incredible! It is looking as if it will happen again. We have had a pretty mild winter, but we're barely half-way through it, so I'm wondering if she'll lay eggs soon. It will be clear though when she starts sitting on the nest. I'll try to get more photos of the process, but will be mostly content to watch it and not bother the birds.

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