Then the pandemic came, and I feel that I must take my food security more seriously. For my family and my friends. I expanded my plans so that I can grow more than I need, so that I can share my harvest.
Tomato, jalapeños, and tomatillo plants in the greenhouse. |
In another small area, I cleared the vines growing there and made a teepee for growing pole beans. I used a section of poultry fencing to protect that space. And in a smaller space I plan to grow some cucumbers on a trellis.
In the front yard I cleaned up and expanded small bed that had almost entirely reverted to grass. There I will plant the jalapeños, tomatillos, and tomatoes that I started in the greenhouse. In other sections around the front yard I sowed seeds of kale and collards. Turns out the sparrows had been eating the cotyledons! So I improvised a covering for one section, and will work on some more for other sections. Very disappointing! But there is still time, and the sparrows will leave soon enough. I am just gong to alter my how I do things, and that is fine.
Feeling grateful for having knowledge and skills to be able to grow food.